
Dami Ajayi
Dami Ajayi is a poet, short story writer, essayist and medical doctor. His debut book of poems Clin- ical Blues (WriteHouse Collective, 2014) was short- listed for the Melita Hume Poetry Prize. His poems are featured on BBC Radio 4, Prosopisia, World Po- etry Book, Badilisha Poetry X-Change, Enkare Mag- azine and elsewhere. His fiction has been widely anthologised in both print and online journals like Kalahari Review, Afreada, Jalada Africa, Gambit: Newer African Writing and ITCH Magazine. His non-fiction has been published in the Guardian UK, Chimurenga Chronic, Die Zeit, Wawa Book Review, OlisaTV, and Bakwa Magazine. His latest book, A Woman’s Body is a Country (Ouida, 2017) was selected by Quartz Africa as one of best books of 2017. He is a Senior Registrar of Psychiatry at Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital, Yaba.